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55284A: Introduction to Python

  • 4.72(2,036 Rating)

Course Overview

Course Overview

The 55284A: Introduction to Python course offered by CounselTrain is a comprehensive training program designed to introduce learners to the world of Python programming. Covering a breadth of topics from the basics of running Python and writing simple scripts to more advanced concepts like handling exceptions, working with dates and times, and running Python scripts from the command line, this course is structured to provide a strong foundation in Python.

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn to:

  • Run Python and write simple scripts
  • Handle exceptions and work with dates and times
  • Run Python scripts from the command line
  • Utilize variables, functions, modules, and file processing
  • Apply flow control with conditional statements and loops
  • Manipulate strings and work with iterables like sequences, dictionaries, and sets
  • Utilize virtual environments for project isolation

Schedule Dates

55284A: Introduction to Python
12 November 2024 - 15 November 2024
55284A: Introduction to Python
17 February 2025 - 20 February 2025
55284A: Introduction to Python
19 May 2025 - 22 May 2025
55284A: Introduction to Python
19 August 2025 - 22 August 2025

Course Content

  • Running Python
  • Literals
  • Python Comments
  • Variables
  • WRiting a Python Module
  • print() Function
  • Collecting User Input
  • Getting Help

  • Defining Functions
  • Variable Scope
  • Global Variables
  • Function Parameters
  • Returning Values
  • Importing Modules

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Built-in Math Functions
  • Assignment Operators
  • The math Module
  • The randon Module

  • Quotation Marks and Special Characters
  • String Indexing
  • Slicing Strings
  • Concatentaion and Repetition
  • Common String Methods
  • String Formatting
  • Formatted String Literals (f-strings)
  • Built-in String Functions

  • Definitions
  • Sequences
  • Unpacking Sequences
  • Dictionaries
  • The len() Function
  • Sets
  • *args and **kwargs

  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops in Python
  • break and continue
  • The enumerate() Function
  • Generators
  • List Comprehensions

  • Virtual Environment

  • Regular Expression Syntax
  • Python's Handling of Regular Expressions

  • Bits and Bytes
  • Hexadecimal Numbers
  • Encoding

  • Opening Files
  • The os and os.path Modules


There are no strict prerequisites for this course. However, a basic understanding of programming concepts and familiarity with any programming language would be beneficial.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Write and run Python scripts effectively
  • Handle exceptions and work with various data types
  • Utilize Python for data analysis, web development, automation, and scientific computing
  • Create and manage Python projects with virtual environment

Participants will gain hands-on experience with:

  • Python programming language
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) setup
  • Command line interface for running Python scripts
  • Virtual environments for project isolation

Yes, course materials, including presentations, hands-on labs, and reference documents, will be provided to all participants.

Yes, CounselTrain offers customized training solutions for organizations. Please contact our corporate training team for more details.


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