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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

  • 4.89(3,698 Rating)

Course Overview

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed container orchestration service provided by Microsoft Azure. It simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes, an open-source platform for automating container operations. With AKS, you can quickly create, configure, and manage Kubernetes clusters in the Azure cloud, reducing the complexity associated with setting up and maintaining your own Kubernetes infrastructure. AKS provides integrated development and deployment capabilities, allowing developers to focus on building applications rather than managing the underlying infrastructure. Additionally, it offers built-in monitoring, security, and scalability features, helping organizations achieve high availability and performance for their containerized workloads. By leveraging AKS, businesses can streamline their DevOps processes, enhance their operational efficiency, and accelerate the delivery of innovative applications.

Schedule Dates

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
25 November 2024 - 01 December 2024
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
03 March 2025 - 09 March 2025
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
09 June 2025 - 15 June 2025
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
15 September 2025 - 21 September 2025

Course Content

  • Overview of Container Orchestra9on
  • Introduction to Kubernetes
  • Understanding Kubernetes Architecture

  • Introduction to Azure AKS Cluster
  • Lab: Create AKS Cluster
  • Lab: Explore AKS Cluster using kubectl
  • Lab: Setup Azure CLI on Local Desktop

  • Understanding Pods, Labels & Selectors
  • Lab: Managing Pods
  • Lab: Managing Labels & Selector
  • Understanding Replication Controller & Replica Set
  • Lab: Deploying Replication Controller & Replica Set
  • Understanding Services – ClusterIP, NodePort & LoadBalancer
  • Lab: Creating & Managing Service

  • Manual Scheduling of Pods
  • Taint and Tolerations
  • Lab: Using Manual Scheduling or Taints and Tolerations
  • Lab: Node Selector and Node Affinity

  • Overview of Deployment
  • Deployment Strategies – Blue/Green & Canary
  • Lab: Deploying Applications as Deployment
  • Lab: Implementing Deployment Strategies on Deployments

  • Plain Key
  • Config Map
  • Secret
  • Lab: Using Plain Keys, Config Map & Generic Secret as Environment Variables
  • Lab: Mount Environment Variable as Volumes

  • Understanding Volume Management in AKS
  • Types of Volumes Provisioning
  • Persistent Volumes
  • Persistent Volume Claim
  • Lab: Using PV & PVC to aUach Persistent Volume to a Pod using Azure Disk
  • Understanding Storage Class
  • Lab: Use AKS Provisioned Storage Class instead of Custom Storage Class

  • Introduction to Active Directory Authentication for AKS admins
  • Lab: Create AD Group and User and Enable AD for AKS
  • Lab: Access Azure AKS Cluster Resources using Azure AD User
  • Understanding Role, ClusterRole, RoleBinding& ClusterRoleBinding
  • Lab: Managing Roles and Role Binding
  • Lab: Managing Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding

  • Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler
  • Lab: Create AKS Cluster with Autoscaling enabled using Azure AKS
  • Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  • Lab: Create Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

  • Understand how to Monitor Application and Cluster Components
  • Lab: Understand how to Read Application & Cluster Component Logs
  • Lab: Deploying Prometheus & Grafana to Monitor K8s Cluster

  • Understand Basics of Kubernetes Networking
  • Understand CNI
  • Understand Pod Networking Concepts
  • Understanding DNS of K8s
  • Understanding Ingress
  • Lab: Configure and Manage Ingress Rule
  • Understanding Namespace & Use-Cases
  • Lab: Creating Namespace & Deploying K8s resources in Different Namespaces
  • Lab: Load Balancer Service


Participants should have a basic understanding of cloud computing and containerization. Familiarity with Azure services and Kubernetes is beneficial but not required.

Participants will gain skills in:

  • Setting up and using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
  • Managing and scaling Kubernetes clusters.
  • Deploying and managing containerized applications.
  • Utilizing advanced Kubernetes features such as autoscaling, logging, monitoring, and networking.
  • Ensuring security and integrating with Active Directory

Yes, the course includes practical, hands-on labs where participants will apply the concepts learned to real-world scenarios, gaining practical experience with AKS and Kubernetes.

Yes, participants will receive a certificate of completion from CounselTrain, validating their skills in using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

For more information, you can reach out to CounselTrain’s customer service team via email or phone. Our representatives will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have.

Once enrolled, participants will receive access to all necessary training materials, including lecture notes, lab exercises, and additional resources through the CounselTrain learning platform.

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