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CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor

  • 5(16675 Rating)

Course Overview

The Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification is globally esteemed among IS audit control, assurance, and security professionals. This course empowers learners with the expertise to evaluate an organization’s information systems and technology while equipping them with essential skills for managing and safeguarding information assets. Structured into five core domains, each domain encompasses a series of lessons focusing on different facets of IS auditing and management.

The Information Systems Auditing Process domain delves into planning and executing a risk-based IS audit strategy, comprehending audit standards, and deploying various audit techniques. Governance and Management of the IT domain underscores the significance of IT governance, frameworks, and quality management. Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation domain addresses managing and auditing system lifecycles. The Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience domain emphasizes sustaining operations and ensuring business continuity. Lastly, the Protection of Information Assets domain stresses securing data and information systems.

Upon completion of the CISA course, learners will possess critical skills in IT governance, system auditing, and security management, significantly enhancing their professional credibility and opening up diverse career opportunities in the information systems audit field.

Target Audiance

  • IT Auditors
  • Information Security Analysts
  • Information Systems Control Professionals
  • Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
  • Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)
  • IT Risk Managers
  • Security Consultants
  • Compliance Officers
  • IT Assurance Professionals
  • Cybersecurity Professionals
  • Corporate IT Governance Managers
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Managers
  • IT Consultants
  • Network Operation Security Engineers

Schedule Dates

CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor
19 August 2024 - 23 August 2024
CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor
25 November 2024 - 29 November 2024
CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor
03 March 2025 - 07 March 2025
CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor
09 June 2025 - 13 June 2025

Course Content

  • Providing audit services in accordance with standards to assist organizations in protecting and controlling information systems. Domain 1 affirms your credibility to offer conclusions on the state of an organization’s IS/IT security, risk and control solutions.
  • A. Planning
  • 1. IS Audit Standards, Guidelines, and Codes of Ethics
  • 2. Business Processes
  • 3. Types of Controls
  • 4. Risk-Based Audit Planning
  • 5. Types of Audits and Assessments
  • B. Execution
  • Audit Project Management
  • 2. Sampling Methodology
  • 3. Audit Evidence Collection Techniques
  • 4. Data Analytics
  • 5. Reporting and Communication Techniques

  • Domain 2 confirms to stakeholders your abilities to identify critical issues and recommend enterprise-specific practices to support and safeguard the governance of information and related technologies.
  • A. IT Governance
  • 1. IT Governance and IT Strategy
  • 2. IT-Related Frameworks
  • 3. IT Standards, Policies, and Procedures
  • 4. Organizational Structure
  • 5. Enterprise Architecture
  • 6. Enterprise Risk Management
  • 7. Maturity Models
  • 8. Laws, Regulations, and Industry Standards affecting the Organization
  • B. IT Management
  • 1. IT Resource Management
  • 2. IT Service Provider Acquisition and Management
  • 3. IT Performance Monitoring and Reporting
  • 4. Quality Assurance and Quality Management of IT

  • A. Information Systems Acquisition and Development
  • 1. Project Governance and Management
  • 2. Business Case and Feasibility Analysis
  • 3. System Development Methodologies
  • 4. Control Identification and Design
  •   B. Information Systems Implementation
  • 1. Testing Methodologies
  • 2. Configuration and Release Management
  • 3. System Migration, Infrastructure Deployment, and Data Conversion
  • 4. Post-implementation Review

  • Domains 3 and 4 offer proof not only of your competency in IT controls, but also your understanding of how IT relates to business.
  • A. Information Systems Operations
  • 1. Common Technology Components
  • 2. IT Asset Management
  • 3. Job Scheduling and Production Process Automation
  • 4. System Interfaces
  • 5. End-User Computing
  • 6. Data Governance
  • 7. Systems Performance Management
  • 8. Problem and Incident Management
  • 9. Change, Configuration, Release, and Patch Management
  • 10. IT Service Level Management
  • 11. Database Management
  • B. Business Resilience
  • 1. Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
  • 2. System Resiliency
  • 3. Data Backup, Storage, and Restoration
  • 4. Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
  • 5. Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP)

  • Cybersecurity now touches virtually every information systems role, and understanding its principles, best practices and pitfalls is a major focus within Domain 5.
  • A. Information Asset Security and Control
  • 1. Information Asset Security Frameworks, Standards, and Guidelines
  • 2. Privacy Principles
  • 3. Physical Access and Environmental Controls
  • 4. Identity and Access Management
  • 5. Network and End-Point Security
  • 6. Data Classification
  • 7. Data Encryption and Encryption-Related Techniques
  • 8. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • 9. Web-Based Communication Techniques
  • 10. Virtualized Environments
  • 11. Mobile, Wireless, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) Devices
  • B. Security Event Management
  • 1. Security Awareness Training and Programs
  • 2. Information System Attack Methods and Techniques
  • 3. Security Testing Tools and Techniques
  • 4. Security Monitoring Tools and Techniques
  • 5. Incident Response Management
  • 6. Evidence Collection and Forensics


The CISA course is ideal for individuals working in the field of information systems auditing, control, and security, including IT auditors, security professionals, compliance officers, and risk management professionals.

The CISA certification is globally recognized and highly esteemed in the industry, demonstrating expertise in information systems auditing, control, and assurance. It enhances professional credibility and opens up opportunities for career advancement.

The course is structured into five main domains, covering various aspects of information systems auditing and management: Information Systems Auditing Process, Governance and Management of IT, Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation, Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience, and Protection of Information Assets.

Yes, candidates must meet specific requirements set by ISACA, the governing body for the CISA certification. Typically, this includes a minimum of five years of professional work experience in information systems auditing, control, or security.

Participants will have access to comprehensive learning materials, including lecture notes, presentations, practice exams, and supplementary resources to support their exam preparation.

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