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Microsoft Access 2019 Basic Course - United Arab Emirates

  • 5(793 Rating)

Course Overview

The MS Access 2019 Basic Course provides a comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Access, focusing on essential concepts for beginners. Participants will learn database design principles, data entry techniques, querying data, creating forms and reports, basic macros, and database security measures. The course is designed to equip individuals with foundational skills in database management, enhancing their productivity and employability.

Key Features Of MS Access 2019 Basic Course

  • A comprehensive introduction to Microsoft Access 2019 basics
  • Learn database creation, design, and management
  • Understand data entry, querying, and reporting
  • Gain proficiency in forms and user interface customization
  • Hands-on experience with tables, relationships, and data validation
  • Practical skills for organizing, sorting, and filtering data
  • Prepare for advanced Access courses and certifications
  • Suitable for beginners and those looking to refresh their Access skills

Why Choose CounselTrain for Microsoft Access 2019 Basic Course in UAE?

Choosing CounselTrain for the Microsoft Access 2019 Basic Course in UAE offers a unique blend of expertise, practical learning, and tailored support. Our experienced instructors guide you through the fundamentals of Access, ensuring a solid understanding of database management. With hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you’ll gain confidence in creating databases, querying data, designing forms and reports, and implementing basic macros. Our flexible learning options accommodate diverse schedules, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Additionally, CounselTrain provides comprehensive course materials, ongoing assistance, and certification upon completion, equipping you with valuable skills for career advancement.

Target Audiance

  • This course is intended for students who have little or no familiarity with Microsoft Access 2019 or more experienced Access users who want to learn the topics covered in this course in the 2019 interface.

Schedule Dates

Microsoft Access 2019 – Basic
14 October 2024
Microsoft Access 2019 – Basic
14 January 2025
Microsoft Access 2019 – Basic
14 April 2025
Microsoft Access 2019 – Basic
14 July 2025

Course Content

  • Access Ribbon
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Object Navigation Pane
  • Access Work Surface
  • Object Overview
  • Process Overview
  • Create a Database Using a Wizard
  • Lab 1: Getting Around the Access Environment
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand the organization of the Access ribbon.
  • Understand context tabs in the ribbon.
  • Understand the Quick Access Toolbar and how to customize.
  • Understand the Quick Access Toolbar and how to customize.
  • Understand the Navigation Pane.
  • Understand the objects and creation process.
  • Understand the Access work surface.
  • Understand how to create databases using a wizard.

  • Questions to Ask Before You Start
  • Approaches to Database Design
  • Gathering Information
  • A Few Words about Naming Conventions
  • Normalization
  • Table Relationships
  • Lab 1: Fundamentals Exercises:
  • Asking Questions
  • Normalizing Data
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Ask questions to consider before you create a database application.
  • Understand common approaches to database design: top-down and bottom-up.
  • Go from paperwork and data samples to categorized data (data mapping).
  • Understand naming conventions for tables and other objects.
  • Understand what normalization is.
  • Understand some basic concepts of normalization and how to apply them.
  • Understand bout primary and foreign keys.
  • Understand relationships and establishing them among tables.

  • Definition and Purpose
  • Datasheet View
  • Design View
  • Lab 1: Working with Tables in Datasheet View
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Understand tables and table views in Access.
  • Work with tables in Datasheet view.
  • Add and Edit data records in Datasheet view.
  • Understand the purpose of Design view.

  • Creating an Access Database
  • Data Types
  • Create a Table in Design View
  • Lab 1: Tables Exercises:
  • Creating a New Database
  • Determining Data Types
  • Creating a Table in Design View
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create an Access database.
  • Create a table in Design view.
  • Understand data types.
  • Assign a key field.
  • Understand input masks.
  • Use expressions to define validation rules.

  • Queries
  • Select Queries
  • Select Queries with Criteria
  • Logical Operators
  • Group and Total with Queries
  • Lab 1: Creating Select Queries:
  • Creating Select Queries
  • After completing this module students will be able to:
  • Use queries and query views.
  • Create a simple query.

  • Forms
  • Alter a Form
  • Form Record Navigation
  • Layout View and Design View
  • One-click Forms
  • Form Wizard
  • Lab 1: Forms Exercises
  • Adding Data Records in Form View
  • Creating a Form with the Form Wizard
  • After completing this module students will be able to:
  • Understand types of forms.
  • Add records using a form.
  • Understand one-click forms.
  • Create a form using the Form Wizard

Access 2019 Basic Course in the United Arab Emirates

The MS Access 2019 Basic Course stands out as a pivotal stepping stone for careers in the United Arab Emirates due to its unique blend of foundational knowledge and practical skills. Unlike generic database courses, this program is specifically tailored to the UAE’s business landscape, focusing on database management essentials crucial for local industries. Participants learn database design, data entry, querying, forms, and reports and gain insights into how these skills directly apply to real-world scenarios in the UAE job market. Moreover, the course is designed to be career-oriented, with modules that emphasize industry-relevant projects and challenges. This ensures that graduates are proficient in Access and equipped to make immediate contributions in UAE-based organizations, making it a sought-after credential for those pursuing a career in data management and analysis in the Emirates.


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