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Microsoft Excel 2016 Intermediate - United Arab Emirates

  • 5(1973 Rating)

Course Overview

The Microsoft Excel 2016 Intermediate course is designed to bridge the gap between basic and advanced Excel skills, equipping participants with the tools and techniques necessary for more effective data management and analysis. This course covers essential intermediate features and functions, including advanced formulas, data validation, and data manipulation techniques. Participants will learn how to use functions such as VLOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH to perform complex data lookups and analysis. The course also delves into creating and managing PivotTables and PivotCharts, which are powerful tools for summarizing and visualizing data. Additionally, the course explores conditional formatting to enhance data presentation and improve readability, as well as data validation to ensure data accuracy and consistency. Emphasis is placed on practical, hands-on exercises that enable participants to apply these skills to real-world scenarios. By the end of the course, participants will be proficient in using Excel’s intermediate features to handle more complex data tasks, streamline workflows, and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Target Audiance

  • Students who have basic skills with Microsoft Excel 2016 who want to learn intermediate-level skills or students who want to learn the topics covered in this course in the 2016 interface.

Schedule Dates

Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate
15 October 2024
Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate
15 January 2025
Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate
15 April 2025
Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate
15 July 2025

Course Content

  • Using Named Ranges in Formulas
  • Naming a Single Cell
  • Naming a Range of Cells
  • Naming Multiple Single Cells Quickly
  • Using Formulas That Span Multiple Worksheets
  • Using the IF Function
  • Using AND/OR Functions
  • Using the SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and COUNTIF Functions
  • Using the PMT Function
  • Using the LOOKUP Function
  • Using the VLOOKUP Function
  • Using the HLOOKUP Function
  • Using the CONCATENATE Function
  • Using the TRANSPOSE Function
  • Using the PROPER, UPPER, and LOWER Functions
  • The UPPER Function
  • The LOWER function
  • The TRIM Function
  • Using the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions
  • The MID Function
  • Using Date Functions
  • Using the NOW and TODAY Functions
  • Creating Scenarios
  • Utilize the Watch Window
  • Consolidate Data
  • Enable Iterative Calculations
  • What-If Analyses
  • Use the Scenario Manager
  • Use Financial Functions
  • Lab 1: Advanced Formulas
  • Using Named Ranges in Formulas
  • Entering a Formula Using Data in Multiple Worksheets
  • Using the IF Function
  • Using the PMT Function
  • Using the VLOOKUP Function
  • Using the PROPER Function
  • Using the LEFT and RIGHT Functions
  • Using the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY Functions
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Name and label cells and ranges of cells.
  • Use names and labels in formulas.
  • Create formulas that span multiple worksheets.
  • Use the conditional IF function and its variants in formulas.
  • Use the PMT function to calculate payments for loans.
  • Use the LOOKUP function.
  • Use the VLOOKUP function.
  • Use the HLOOKUP function.
  • Use the CONCATENATE function to join the contents of numerous cells.
  • Use the TRANSPOSE function.
  • Use the PROPER, UPPER, and LOWER functions to alter the casing of text.
  • Use the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions to return characters from the
  • Start or end of a string, or a specific number of text characters.
  • Use various date functions.

  • Converting a List to a Table
  • Removing Duplicates from a List
  • Sorting Data in a List
  • Filtering Data in a List
  • Adding Subtotals to a List
  • Grouping and Ungrouping Data in a List
  • Lab 1: Working with Lists
  • Converting a List to a Table
  • Removing Duplicates from a List
  • Sorting Data in a List
  • Filtering Data in a List
  • Adding Subtotals to a List
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Convert data into tables.
  • Remove duplicates from tables.
  • Sort data in Excel.
  • Filter data in Excel.
  • Use subtotals to automatically total related data.
  • Group and ungroup data.

  • Working with Clip Art
  • Using Shapes
  • Working with SmartArt
  • Lab 1: Working with Illustrations
  • Working with Clip Art
  • Adding Shapes
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Add pictures to your worksheets.
  • Use Clip Art to illustrate your worksheets.
  • Insert shapes into Microsoft Excel worksheets.
  • Use SmartArt to illustrate your worksheets.

  • Creating a Custom Chart Template
  • Inserting Charts
  • Add and Format Objects
  • Insert a Text Box
  • Create a Custom Chart Template
  • Lab 1: Visualizing Your Data
  • Inserting Charts
  • Editing Charts
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Create charts that enable you to visualize your data.
  • Choose what data is displayed in your charts.
  • Show and hide data labels.
  • Show and hide the legend.
  • Show and hide the chart title.
  • Add a picture or shape to a chart.
  • Change the way text displays in a chart.
  • Change the fill color of a chart.
  • Add and format objects in a worksheet.

  • Format Data as a Table
  • Move between Tables and Ranges
  • Modify Tables
  • Define Titles
  • Lab 1: Working with Tables
  • Creating and Modifying a Table in Excel
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Format data in Excel as a table.
  • Modify Excel tables.

  • Applying Conditional Formatting
  • Working with Styles
  • Creating and Modifying Templates
  • Lab 1: Advanced Formatting
  • Using Conditional Formatting
  • Working with Styles
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use conditional formatting to display cells differently based on their values.
  • Quickly format tables using styles.

  • New Functions in Excel 2013
  • Using New Chart Tools
  • Using the Quick Analysis Tool
  • Using the Chart Recommendation Feature
  • Lab 1: Microsoft Excel Features that Were New in 2013
  • Using the New Excel Functions
  • Using the New Excel 2013 Chart Tools
  • Using the Quick Analysis Tool
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use the new chart tools in Excel.
  • Use the Quick Analysis tool.
  • Use the Chart Recommendation feature.

  • New Charts
  • Tree map
  • Sunburst
  • Histogram
  • Waterfall
  • Box and Whisker
  • Pareto
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use the new charts in Excel 2016.

Excel 2016 Intermediate Training Course In United Arab Emirates



The Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate course focuses on expanding your knowledge of Excel 2016 by covering more advanced features and techniques. It includes topics such as advanced formulas, data validation, PivotTables, PivotCharts, and conditional formatting, aimed at improving your data analysis and management skills.

Yes, the Microsoft Excel 2016 – Intermediate course is available online through various training providers. This option allows for flexible learning from any location and at your own pace.

Some training providers allow you to use your own datasets for practical exercises, while others provide sample datasets. Check with the provider for specific details on data usage in exercises.

An intermediate Excel report typically includes advanced formulas, PivotTables, charts, and conditional formatting. The course teaches how to integrate these components to create comprehensive and informative reports.

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