Course Overview
It would be good for one to know when to hold on – When to let go, And to have the grace to make the right decision with dignity! This course would inspire/ provoke you to tough action: To hold on until the light breaks, The tide turns, And the times change for the better; To inspire people with your cheerful attitude while you are going through difficult times; and to choose the noble and positive outlook! Also, the course would inspire you to take action to make a bold and daring move – To make a creative transition Recognising an era has come to an end! The cup might have fallen and broken – The time is for you to absorb the spills and develop new skills!
Get Started On The Path Of Success Once Again!
The course is based on ‘Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! By Dr. Robert H. Schuller’
This course is highly interactive – exercises (as many as 15 exercises in 1 day! Fully Hands-on Learning Experience). Delivery mechanisms include presentation-based discussions, and individual/ group discussions.
Course Objectives
- To develop Possibility Thinking skills
- Aid creativity and innovation
- Overcome difficulties in your life
- Be a good person – taking care of yourself and others around you Productivity enhancement
Target Audiance
- • Top management
- • Middle Management
- • HR heads
- • Those working on employee engagement, innovation, product development, R&D, operational efficiency programs
- • Those seeking personality improvement solutions
- • Those who wish to lift up their mood
- • Those involved in customer delight programs